Releases - 10/30/2021

Update announcements for the x64 current version of Absolute Linux
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Releases - 10/30/2021

Post by psherma1 »

New LIVE version released
Tuesday, 10/26/2021

Based on Absolute64-20211024

This is a riff on Slackware-Live scripts that Alien Bob puts out for the Slackware version. So any issues and HOW-TOs that apply to Slackware-Live should apply...

Heads up --

2 logins are created when you run the LIVE ISO off a USB stick --
User root with passord root,
and user live wth password live.

A small portion of the script-based utilities do not work in the read-only environment when running live.

There is an Install to Hard Disk script available from the desktop of the live user account. This script is the same as in Slackware-Live. It differs from the installer in Absolute's regular ISO as there is no autoinstall option. THAT option repartitions and commands the use of the entire hard drive. (Which is how I install.) But the LIVE installer leaves partitioning and the possibility of dual/grub booting up to the user.

Absolute64-20211024 released
Sunday, 10/24/2021

Based on Slackware64-current.

Keeping up with the Slackware 15.0 prep :-)
Large code update arox (the Rox-Filer fork Absolute uses as a file manager/image viewer)
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